We are uphill

Picture a plantation. A village use its crop as their main source of food. Suddenly, some people start to get ill after harvest. Now, you certainly have to treat the illness, but you’ll also want to travel uphill and identify what’s making the crop to cause illness in the first place.

This uphill focus means – stopping a crisis before it happens. Treatment and therapy initiatives come later.

The ability to ease someone into the most collected, open and belonging version of themselves is difficult to dismiss.

Given adequate training and an appropriate platform for action, we believe that people have the capacity to change the culture and address the uphill problems surrounding mental health.

Now, the question is: Will you answer our call?

Together, we can create a world where mental well-being doesn’t sound Greek and Latin anymore.

Power to Supporting Others without an Instruction Manual

Providing emotional support is an art rather than science.

Each person and situation is unique, making it impossible to have a one-size-fits-all manual. The Emotional First Aid Course can serve as a valuable starting point to understanding how best to support someone, regardless of the circumstances. Remember, not everyone needs therapy, but everyone can benefit from genuine concern and human connection, even with strangers.

Extending Support Beyond
Peer Experiences

Emotional First Aid is not a peer support certification.

While peer support programs focus on assisting individuals going through similar struggles or mental health issues, Emotional First Aid equips you to support anyone seeking to improve their mental well-being.

Emotional First Aid vs.
Crisis Intervention Training

Education, not therapy

Traditional approaches to mental health primarily rely on therapy and counselling, often overlooking the power of education in empowering individuals to take control of their well-being. Let’s NOT forget the fact that it takes 5 years to produce a psychologist/psychiatrist. At EFA Academy, we believe in nurturing personal growth and empowering individuals to become active stakeholders in their emotional well-being journey. However, if someone is in immediate danger of harming themselves or others, it constitutes a crisis that exceeds the scope of Emotional First Aid. In such cases, it is crucial to seek help from a qualified counsellor, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist.


Basically it’s a transition from what’s wrong to what’s strong.

Pramod Shetty

Human Resource Manager

Engaging group activities foster strong bonds, diverse perspectives, and flexibility.

Sinchana Venugopal

Software Engineer

It’s helping establish a foundation from which we can work towards the intended mission of psychology.

Rajeshwari P

Indian Railways