
EXPERIENCE the journey through practical application and then EXECUTE your growth strategies under the guidance of Sunita’s body of work.



Intense Learning

Explore the wide range of learning opportunities that are pre-recorded and specially designed for self-paced learning to flourish in the mental health ecosystem.


Week 1


Q: So, what’s this course all about?

A: Get ready to dive deep into the fascinating realms of behavioural science and medical humanities. We’ll explore how these disciplines intertwine and unlock transformative insights.

Week 2

Fundamental Emotional First Aid

Q: Emotional intelligence seems to be a buzzword these days.

A: Absolutely, but in this course, we’ll go beyond the hype. You’ll develop evidence-based self-regulatory skills and cultivate emotional intelligence as a catalyst for personal growth.

Week 3

Applied Emotional First Aid

Q: Family dynamics can be challenging, especially in Asian cultures.

A: Precisely, which is why we’ll focus on culturally-sensitive approaches to strengthen family bonds. Get ready to implement strategies for nurturing resilient Asian family systems.

Week 4

Work Ethics and Culture

Q: Maintaining professional boundaries is essential, but it’s not always straightforward.

A: Absolutely, which is why we’ll examine the ethical dimensions of boundaries. Together, we’ll foster a culture of integrity, respect, and ethical conduct.

Week 5


Q: Productivity and efficiency are crucial in today’s fast-paced world.

A: Agreed, and in this week, you’ll adopt process optimization methodologies for real-time case studies and integrate data-driven decision-making for continuous improvement in resource management.

Week 6

Exam & Certification

Q: Earning a certification can really set you apart, right?

A: Definitely, and in this course, you’ll validate your expertise through rigorous assessment, distinguishing yourself as a thought leader in the field.



Build Skills

The intensive LIVE-learning will help you add cutting-edge skills to your toolbox. The skill sets upgrade with the help of following selectively created toolkit and moderately curated courses


Personal Narrative Setting

Hot Seat With Sunita

Explore the power of personal storytelling and narrative techniques

Understand the importance of vulnerability and authenticity in communication

Develop skills to craft compelling and relatable narratives

Niche Problem Statement

Hot Seat With Sunita

Identify and analyze specific challenges or problems in your niche

Develop a clear and concise problem statement

Understand the importance of defining the problem before seeking solutions

Target Audience Curation

Hot Seat With Sunita

Learn techniques to identify and understand your target audience

Develop strategies to tailor your content and messaging for maximum impact

Explore ways to build and engage with your target audience

One To Many Training

Hot Seat With Sunita

Acquire skills for effective public speaking and group facilitation

Understand the dynamics of group learning and knowledge sharing

Develop techniques for engaging and motivating larger audiences

One To One Training

Hot Seat With Sunita

Learn strategies for personalized coaching and mentoring

Understand the importance of active listening and empathy in one-on-one settings

Develop skills for providing constructive feedback and guidance

Solution Screening

Hot Seat With Sunita

Learn frameworks for evaluating and screening potential solutions

Understand the criteria for assessing the feasibility and viability of solutions

Develop skills for critical thinking and decision-making in solution selection




Gain Experience

You will gain experience by conducting paid live webinars and personal enablement sessions. The practical approach will help you tackle 4 dimensional issues through the following process

Problems Statement

By the end of weekly sessions, You would have developed your niche

Solution Screening

A-Z approaches of your problem statement and curating content and solutions for the same based on your target audience

Weekly Leaderboard

Bi-weekly audit of performance and hand-holding for growth and foundation

Tech & Marketing Grants

A personalised roadmap with timeline for streaming steady revenue growth




Co-working Access

Network and collaborate with other EFA Entrepreneurs online and grow your experience

Recorded Sessions

Access to recordings of all discussions and courses

Personalised Communication

Get a dedicated Whatsapp group for fast and easy communication
