EFA Course Modules

Core Module 1: FEFA

(Fundamental Emotional First Aid)
Duration: 45 hours

An effective enabler requires deep insights into themselves as a person and as a professional. Emotional First Aid mandates the use of self-awareness as a tool for building and maintaining relationships and bringing about significant change.

Learning outcomes:
  • Self-awareness in professional situations.
  • Establishment of a continuous process of self-reflection and critical self-analysis.
  • Appreciation of the role of the self in relationship building and maintenance.

Core Module 2: WE-COC

(Work Ethics and Code of Conduct)
Duration: 20 hours

The term ‘ethics’ is derived from the Greek word ‘ethos’ that indicates custom, habit, character or disposition. This core subject involves various moral concerns, such as living an ethical life, distinguishing between notions of good and bad, etc.
It focuses on defining a reasonable set of defined principles, which impacts one’s reputation, productivity and business’ bottom line. By focusing on work culture, this subject ensures that work is accomplished with honesty and integrity and everyone adheres to policies and rules for the common good while meeting their professional goals.

Learning outcomes:
  • Framing rules and regulations.
  • Communication of rules and regulations.
  • Respecting Aspirants and other Enablers.
  • Avoiding micromanagement as an Enabler.
  • Treating oneself appropriately and as an equal to others.

Core Module 3: AEFA

(Applied Emotional First Aid)
Duration: 32 hours

While FEFA deals with self-growth, Applied EFA is a core subject that explores the nature and scope of issues that Emotional First Aid would address—the people who seek Emotional First Aid, how it differs from advice presented by significant others (or by formal channels) and what people seek to change (behaviour) or achieve when provided with Emotional First Aid. This subject will emphasise the application of Emotional First Aid skills in supporting others.

Learning outcomes:
  • Enable the Aspirant to identify and focus on their needs and concerns.
  • Establish boundaries when helping the Aspirant.
  • Identify your own feelings in order to set them aside and focus on the Aspirant in their professional situations/ context.
  • Work with the Aspirant to meet their goals in their professional surroundings.
  • Equip yourself with a set of skills to facilitate positive interactions in their professional environment.
  • Tapping into empathy as an Emotional First Aid provider.

Core Module 4: HRM

(Habits Resource Management)
Duration: 25 hours

Habits have a profound impact on the brain, shaping not only our behaviour, but also our thoughts and emotions. By repeatedly engaging in certain actions, we create neural pathways that make these habits automatic and easier to perform. This frees up mental energy for other tasks and can improve our decision-making and cognitive abilities.

This core subject helps in building habits that influence our beliefs and attitudes, shaping the way we view ourselves and the world. Therefore, with this module you learn how to support the aspirants in managing and developing positive habits which is the key component of promoting overall brain health and well-being.

Learning outcomes:
  • During the course, you start small and build the Thrive-Drive exercises gradually.
  • Use positive reinforcement and self-rewards to incentivize good habits for the Aspirants.
  • Help Aspirants make habit formation a priority and set aside dedicated time for it each day.
  • Track progress and celebrate accomplishments to maintain motivation.
  • Help Aspirants be flexible and willing to adjust habits as needed, but also persistent in sticking to them over time.
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passionate about revolutionising
the way India deals with
mental health.